A cat in every corner staring at me. Burglars downstairs raping the furniture. You call this lesk? It makes me dizzy, makes me happy. Giggling with fun, television is filled with crap, giggling with fun. Open a gat, find a treasure, watch out for the monster hobo. No oh no no no he ate him alive. Running running running running for help and shelter, my lesk tight to my chest. Preacious, don't worry precious lesk, we will make it. Time shifting face on earth below me, talking about my granny Mary with a fish never helped. She always was a lier that granny Mary. Once she told me that she had a magic shoe but all it ever did was burp all day just like the cats in this heaven of mine. Mom comes into the pictures and tell me to stop with the lesk and get a job. She's crazy my mother, onc she roundhouse kicked a cow to death just beacuse it glared at it. Disgusting to see but luckily she got death-sentenced beacause of it. But it seems that someone screwed up along the way to the volcano and maybe soeone dropped the soap inte the shower. What do I know, I'm just a regular gnome with limited sex-appeal and a bottle of lesk. No more, no less but maybe something in between random persons ass. Hey, what do I know, I just try not to limit myself. I like to call myself a bisexuall trehugger who does not fear a foot or two. No worries, it never works and i don't even have HIV. But you know how it is in christmas time, all the choir boys get their piece of the cake and everyone else have to stand outside in the cold together with God and Jesus. Same thing every year. Bloody choir boys, always the priests favourite bitches. But once again, no worries, i've got my lesk and my soul in't that far behind (it had something important to tell Jesus, and God swears that he doesn't know what it is) Above are the cats and i don't remember their names but it will come soon. my bottle of lesk is empty and so my adventure came to an end. happy new year kids, i probably love you all.