Rambling man (v.2)
Kategori: Allmänt
jag ska berätta om en natt och en dag
om det nu var tvärtom
min historia börjar i gryningens skymning
det var fortfarande mörkt för någon hade täckt solen med svarta regnbågar
gick längs med motorvägen för jag hade missförstått tågens tidtabell
eftersom alla
av oro för hjärt- kärlsjukdomar
så låg horisonten öde
det var skönt att slippa trafiken men tråkigt med alla liken
mitt rim gladde mig
Nej vänta
jag ljuger
vi börjar om
alla hade dött/men det var inte oron
det var vattnet, döden fanns i vattnet
var annars? döden finns alltid i vattnet
jag vet det därför lever jag och talar
kom ihåg
Det var den gudfruktiga prästen som förgiftade haven
jorden skulle renas med en ny syndaflod
(denna gång utan varken flod eller ark)
alla litar på vatten/jag litar inte på vatten
därför lever jag/därför är dem döda
jag ler och himlen sörjer
solen steg på himlen as I walked
a strange dizziness struck me
the black rainbows receded to their filthy lairs
and sun filled me with what was left of hate in the world
it spread like a disease from my tears
hit the ground and set the fields on fire
it was to no good
a pretty picture drawn on a hidden canvas
I was tempted to look
but my mum always told me fire-storms were bad for your character
she was of course dead
I mean they were all dead
but she was special
for I had wrapped her in a cocoon of sorrow
a monument of love
it was nonsense/ all is foolish
it would fall, all would fall
the fire of hate created mankind
and now it reaps it's harvest
all dead/all eaten by flames
all dead/all eaten by flames
all but me, dead
never mind
I walked on because I missed the train and it was
to be
on time
always on time/time passed
smoke filled the air and the sun gave up
needless to say
the sky was dark again
but my way was lit from behind
by the fire-storm burning with all human emotion
joy shone with feverish green
shame burned with a dark purple tone
fear was violent red
balanced by the calm blue light of benevolence
it was beautiful I can assure, but I dared not stop
the dark hate crept closer every second
all that once had been was coming to an end
so I walked onward, toward the city made out of concrete
For what purpose?
for every purpose
I walked on
the city made of concrete stood through the fire
and so I stood in the city made out of concrete
for what purpose?
for every purpose I say
In the concrete city there was a concrete church
with a concrete altar shaped by death and despair
upon this altar laid the priest in his final rest
and upon him I and Jesus looked down with worried faces
the priest dead face hinted a smile but nothing more
it was then I fell to my knees for now i understood
the priest was false, the killer of none but himself
dark hate had come to destroy what it once created
all was dead, all but me
for I was the destroyer
The church bells rang for the last time
and outside the last fires faded
whilst the dark hate came closer
I stained the floor with my last dark tears
watched them envelop me
felt the hate tearing me apart
it felt like home
for I am the destroyer